First Post? Or: Every journey starts with a step…

The purpose of this site should be self-evident from its title. I generally dislike the term “blog” and won’t use that term on here, since its a trendy term for something people have been doing online for fifteen years. However, thats basically what this is — a diary of the process of building a specific replica ’65 Cobra Roadster, using the excellent kit from Factory Five Racing and its associated community of enthusiasts.

I’m hoping, through its wiki, can turn into a valuable resource for all Roadster builders, as well as other replica car builders and enthusiasts. This WordPress “journal”, however, is my own personal experience. Its the process I’m going through to plan, purchase and build MY car.

When I get into the actual build process, the entries in this part of the site will be linked to the appropriate sections of the Wiki, where I can discuss specifics of how I undertook a particular step of the build, and where others can contribute their experiences.