Now that my laptop is back into full working order, I could focus again after work today on my list of tasks prior to putting the body on the car. My hope is still that I can do it this weekend.
Today’s goal was to knock off two of the items that have been giving me grief or overall concern. The horn has been causing me problems for months because of a general lack of places I can mount it and have it be forward facing. The backup light was just general trepidation over cutting into the body.
To mount the horn, I decided to just forgo my goal of having it forward facing and just get it mounted. I think its plenty loud even if its not pointing straight forward.
I took a scrap piece of 1″x1/8″ aluminum, which I believe was the leftover bits from the trim part under the dash, and mounted the horn to it with a bolt.
Using two stainless steel 3/16″ rivets, I mounted that bar just behind the quick jack mount. It clears the wheel here and is out of the way of the lights. Its not perfect, but it’ll work. (I should add I thought I was going to bust a vein trying to hand pull two 3/16″ stainless rivets!)
The backup light was somewhat easier, if a bit nerve-wracking to do.
I started up by putting some easy-release purple painters tape on the body. Using a tape measure I found the center point of the body.
I then wrapped the light in tape as well and traced the light onto the bumper. The tape is not level on the body, which is why the opening marked on the tape looks like its not level.
I then used a drywall cutting bit on a cordless Dremel to cut a plug out of the opening. It was 1/8″ undersized so I could more carefully sand out the hole to the size I need.
Once I had enough sanded out, using a half inch rotary sander on the Dremel, the light fits well.
I’m going to look into either fabricating or paying someone to fabricate a chrome trim ring to dress it up a bit. Its possible someone makes them for a Mini already.
I haven’t mounted the light to the car because I definitely can’t get the body on with it in place. Once the body is on, I’ll figure out how I keep it in place. I’ll either attach some small brackets to it and use them to glue it into place with some adhesive, or just use some silicone adhesive against the fiberglass directly to hold it in.
So what’s left?
- USB port
- Mount brake duct boots to the body
- Install bulb seal
I’ll probably have everything but the bulb seal done tomorrow, then do the bulb seal on Saturday morning, prior to installing the body.