Finally, after two weeks of trying to get help with getting the body on the car, my parents were in town this weekend and I was able to get my dad to help me again. Since they’re around, thats pretty much all I did on the car, but that was a big step and it means I can work more easily on doing more items from the punch list over the next few weeks.
I, unfortunately, forgot to double check that the flash card was in my camera when taking pictures. Fortunately, my parents got some photos (and video!) of the process.
Getting the body on the car isn’t all that complicated, although I realized just before we put it on that the place I mounted the horn was going to hit one of the brake ducts, and because of the added width of the brake ducts next to the mounting points for the body in the nose, I wasn’t sure the nose mounts were going to fit.
We started off by rolling the car out of the garage, so we had room to take the body off the buck and temporarily rest it on the garage floor. I then took the nose and my parents held the rear end of the car while I finagled the nose into place. It took some persuasion to fit it around the brake ducts, but it did fit.
The rear end was left resting on the bulb seal, while I dealt with the front of the car. Once the front was situated, I ran to the back of the car. Before slipping the body over the trunk sheet metal, I connected the rear rights since they’d be hard to reach after.
Once aligned, I slipped the body carefully over the bulb seal and got it aligned in the rear.
Once the body was situated, I got the dash and the turn signal unit temporarily mounted. This was the first point the body was on with the lights, so it was the first time I could test them with anything but the multimeter. Driving lights, head lights and turn signals all worked. The passenger brake light doesn’t. and neither do the hazards. Once I get the car back up on jack stands, I can get under it and figure out what I messed up. I was pretty sure the hazards weren’t going to work and it turns out I was right, although they worked less than I was hoping.
I fired up the engine while I was at it so my parents could hear it. With a short push it just fired right up, even with the oxygen sensor disconnected.