More Sheetmetal Progress

I’ve set a goal of doing a little bit of work on the car every day, so I can get back into the swing of working on it. Yesterday I spent a couple hours in the morning working on more sheetmetal work.

I can’t state strongly enough how much I’m tired of doing sheetmetal work! Its never ending. I need to get all the engine bay sheet metal finished and powdercoated, as not having it installed is hanging up everything else I need to do.

Yesterday I did a bunch of the cockpit sheet metal — the inner edges of the footboxes where it meats the cockpit and the drivers floor for the most part. It doesn’t sound like much, but it was a hundred or more rivet holes drilled.

Some more work on it is in the cards for today, and I really hope to have the engine bay metal done in the next couple of days. If I can’t get through this in a timely manner, I need to rethink my time line pretty dramatically for the project.

I’ll update this post with photos tonight, I didn’t get any yesterday.

Update: Here’s a photo of the driver’s side cockpit floor:

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