Almost all of the buttons on the arcade cabinet will be illuminated, to show which are used in a given game and to differentiate them. There are 33 RGB illuminated UltraLUX chrome buttons, and four red ones for “credits”. The switches and everything showed up the other day, so I went ahead and played around with the hardware.
Category Archives: Misc Projects
Control Panel Design, Part II
The control panel design is a pretty complicated process. Perhaps if you’ve built a bunch of arcade cabinets before you can get a good sense of what works and doesn’t, but lacking that its just a bunch of guessing. Visio definitely helps, as you can print out and tape together full sized mockups to get a sense of what would fit where. Having done that with the designs in my last post on it, its clear I just simply can’t do what I want to do with either of the cocktail cabinets I’ve found to buy.
Control Panel Design, Part I
The process of working out exactly what I want to build after deciding it was time to finally build myself an arcade machine is a complicated one. There’s a massive number of decisions to be made, like what kind of machine, what kind of games it’ll play, what sort of controls need to be in it, etc… There’s no shortage of ideas online, although a lot of them are bad. A lot of people have no aesthetic or ergonomic sense, it seems. Although mine would be in the “home theater”, which is pretty much geek central, I don’t want too much “OMG, arcade machine!!” bling.