Category Archives: The Build

A Brief Update

I haven’t gotten any more work done so far this week, and I likely won’t get much more work done in the next week. I’m planning on working all day on the 13th on the car to get some more work done since the 14th is the Factory Five open house, and I won’t get to work on it that day either.

I pulled all the non-attached sheet metal off the car Monday as I was originally planning on getting it to the powder coater this week, so I’d have it back by the 13th. Once the return fuel line and the rear wiring is in, I’m ready to get the rear end sheet metal riveted in place.

I decided, though, to wait until the 13th or perhaps the following week to drop the metal off. Some of it isn’t drilled for rivets yet, and without any holes to hang them from it would be harder for the panels to be powdercoated. I think I’m going to focus on really finishing the sheet metal next week. The only remaining bits are the cockpit pieces, the elephant ears and the cover for the glove box. I really need to cleco all the parts back in, fit the corners of the cockpit, fit the glovebox lid and THEN get them powdercoated. Most of that will be covered with carpet, but the sides facing out from the car I’d like to have protected.

I’m still waiting for the Boss EFI setup to show up. Unfortunately the vendor I bought them from has gone silent and isn’t returning e-mails. I’ll be issuing a chargeback on the transaction if I don’t hear anything by the end of next week. That will be disappointing, as it shows the lack of professionalism among vendors in the Factory Five space, and could delay another month or six weeks getting the intake, but the vendor is already violating his merchant account policies, and I can’t risk going over 90 days and being unable to issue a chargeback.

Its annoying.

Another Day of Wiring

I spent a few more hours working on the car today. I don’t have photos of it, so this will be a short update tonight.

I was up and in the garage before 7 this morning and spent four hours or so working on the car. At least half of that was spent cleaning up the garage, particularly getting tools organized and put back. It had gotten unworkably cluttered in there.

I also drilled out and got the strain-relief/grommets in the firewall for the alternator wiring and the solenoid wiring as well as the rear harness This evening I found the 10-12 gauge ring crimp-on terminals, so I was able to get the alternator wiring done and the solenoid wiring, as well. I worked a bit on the battery wiring, and got the holes drilled in the trunk floor for the remote battery terminals.

I decided to try to get the rest of the sheet metal to the powder coater this week, so I also did some fitting and drilling of the rest of the sheet metal. I’ll try to get it finished up tomorrow night.

Thats about it for today. I’ll see how far I get tomorrow with the sheet metal and will likely post pics then.

Starting the Wiring

Today was a busy day with the car. I decided to buckle down and start the wiring, as it was clear that was one of the next major tasks and was a pre-requisite for getting the engine started whenever the Boss-EFI system finally shows up. But thats a rant for another time.

I ended up spending a good bit of time wandering around Lowes hoping to figure out a good way to cobble together my e-brake parts into something workable. The stuff from Fortes is really just worthless. I may look at entirely different options other than Lokar handle, but for now I’m going to try to make it work.

Read more for pictures of today’s progress…

Continue reading Starting the Wiring

A Change of Plans

I haven’t had a lot of time in the last week or so to get much work done on the car. A couple hours here and there is all I’ve managed, as I had company last weekend. I have made a couple of decisions for some changes in direction, though.

On Monday, I sold my I-Squared MOSFET power system. I had originally bought the system because it was advertised to have a level of customization that was greater than it actually had. While the system is reprogrammable, it was not end-user programmable which was what I really wanted. I’d spent a lot of time planning on how I would use it anyway, but in the end I decided it was better to sell it to someone who actually wanted to use it and to buy a standard harness for now. Hopefully the new harness will show up this week, and I’ll try to get the car wired over the weekend.

I also decided I was going to sell the gauges I have for the dashboard. I haven’t sold them yet and I haven’t narrowed down precisely what I’m going to use yet, but I am going to use something different. I both don’t want to deal with the hassle of mechanical gauges, and I really want more space behind the dash to give more options for heat and fresh air venting. Right now I’m leaning towards the Revolution Series gauges from They’re very shallow, so I’d gain a lot of room behind the dash, and also don’t mean running three or four cables and hoses into the dash.

In terms of actual work on the car, over the weekend I got the water neck installed and the rest of the radiator hoses. I had to get a different thermostat because the one I bought from Breeze didn’t fit the housing. I am still not happy with the recovery tank I got from Summit, so I’m still looking for an alternative. I also have the emergency brakes mostly installed. I need to get some hardware to mount the handle, but other than that they’re all in.

I’ll post pictures of the progress this week.

A Little More Work

I took an hour tonight and did some more work on the car. Most of my order from Summit Racing showed up today, so I was able to get some of those parts on the car. I’m still waiting on the thermostat housing and I’m not really happy with the recovery tank I bought, so I may return that.

Other than doing some cleaning in the garage, I got some of the stuff from Summit installed. The rest of the post will have pictures and what I did.

Continue reading A Little More Work

Installing the De-gas tank

This weekend, like a few lately, was largely spent (where the car was concerned) driving around looking for parts because some vendors don’t seem to understand when someone says “I want everything I need to get this done”.

Because I was missing so many parts I needed, I only managed to get the de-gas tank installed and a little bit else here and there. I did get a pretty good list of additional parts I needed and placed a big Summit Racing order.

Continue reading Installing the De-gas tank

Radiator, Etc

Although I seemed to have spent all weekend feeling very unproductive, I actually managed to get some stuff done. Along my goal of getting the engine started this month (ha!, not going to happen…) I needed to get the radiator in the car and start getting the cooling system plumbed.

This is a long post, so you might want to grab a snack first. I probably should split this into two posts…

Continue reading Radiator, Etc

Starter, Radiator and other Adventures

Keeping up the pace set yesterday with the install of the motor, I decided to spend most of the day today working on the car. I’m exhausted now, but it was nice to get some more done on the car. I started by thinking about mounting the radiator but ran into issues, then went to installing the driveshaft but ran into issues and ended up with mounting the radiator… with issues.

Continue reading Starter, Radiator and other Adventures