Tag Archives: featured

Connecting a Weather Station to the Internet

I’ve been pretty terrible in the last couple of years getting things documented on here that I’d intended to get documented on here. I’m going to slowly back-fill the site with info on projects that may be of broader interest.  These include the actual building and finishing of the arcade cabinet, some major home remodeling, custom home automation software and hardware, and a slew of other projects. I need to get back into the habit of actually posting these, not just taking photos for them.

The smallest and most recent, and thus easiest, to post is a quick project for getting my Accurite 02064 5-in-1 Weather Station online.

Continue reading Connecting a Weather Station to the Internet

Finished with the Home Theater

With the addition of the new center and main channel speakers, plus the BIC subwoofer, the home theater is pretty much all set. There’s a small bit of patching and some ceiling painting that is still needed, but everything else is wrapped up.

It wasn’t a small project, but I’m very happy with the results. Now, on to the rest of the basement. There’s a lot of painting needed, and some chair rail, but I think the next project will be finally setting up a MAME arcade machine. That’s step 2 in Project Man-Cave.

Continue reading Finished with the Home Theater

Done. (For Now)

Well, I’m not sure how more direct I can be than that. Its done, as far as I’m concerned, for now. There’s still some minor issues, and I may work a bit on those over the next week or two, but its time to deal with the state.

I started off today planning on just getting the car down from the jackstands, but ended up working a few hours on the car as well.

Continue reading Done. (For Now)